From the great white north, the Arc Puck is a great way to mark the center points of bases for miniature wargaming and ensure accurate game-play. In addition, proceeds from these purchases help support the artist of Wargaming Tradecraft where articles full of tips and tricks for creating beautiful miniatures are freely available.
- View the "Arc Puck (Compact)" in Store
- View the "Arc Puck (Full Size)" in Store
Each layer is sized for 30mm, 40mm and 50mm bases.
Please be aware that manufacturers of bases are not always consistent with their diameters and some may be smaller or larger than expected. This will affect how bases fit in the Arc Puck. Exact sizing is 30.25mm, (compact) 30.5mm, (full size) 40.5mm and 50.5mm, which fit all bases tested.
For example, the Privateer Press bases I measured were small sized 30mm and the medium and large bases were nearly 40.5mm and 50.5mm. While discussing this with others it sounds like their metal bases are smaller.
Two Versions
The Arc Puck comes in two versions with multiple choices of colours. There's a compact model and a full-sized one that's tall enough for text around the side. (For larger orders, I'll discuss customizing this text.)

Thanks to the size of the Arc Puck, it stores away easily wherever you want to keep it.
Exact sizing is 63mm total diameter with a height of 4.5mm (compact) or 8mm. (full)
Save on Shipping
The cost of shipping a single puck isn't far off from shipping multiples. Make a group purchase with friends or see if your FLGS will order for you.
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