Last Week at Wargaming Tradecraft
Hordebloods begin with an introduction and a post about
planning artistic armies. I also cover how I used
guitar strings.
Hockey riots - you wouldn't understand. (Canadians are hockey hipsters.) |
Next week, little to no Weekly Update - I've got content scheduled for you folks, including a great guest post tomorrow, but it's vacation time for me! Ah, finally! Not a long one, but I'll be in Montreal for
Otakuthon - enjoying poutine, crepes, Mexican, a hole in the wall that serves some grrreat ribs and fitting in some anime geekery at some point. Last time I was there, the city erupted into riots 2 blocks from my hotel and cops locked down the downtown the following night - lets hope for a little less excitement this time.
Last Week in the Community
For those interested, a review of GW's yearly financial post
Quick and simple trees
Ron discusses how basing can help create the model
Some excellent NMM cavalry
Ron wonders about what competes for your hobby time
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