I frequent a great forum on and off, MiniWarGaming, who ran a contest to fill their online store with photos of their followers minis. I think this is a great idea for any store to build loyalty. (Unfortunately they're not local to me, else I'd visit the store) If you're not familiar with them, I suggest checking them out - Not only is their forum a great and positive community, but they run the odd contest and create a lot of free material, such as painting and terrain tutorials. Their newsletter has with battle reports, updates, strategy tips and so on, with video.
Also, apparently the reasoning behind taking down all their photos was that Games Workshop came down on them, claiming copyright over all their photos... in the store... to sell Games Workshop products...
Anyways, a bunch of mine were accepted, three even as the primary photos for the stuff on sale. Two of these are still up there as the primary shots.

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